This nonprofit has chapters and monthly meetings has in many cities across the US. Not only do they promote the efficacy and benefits of baby carriers, but they help moms find the one that is right for them. Going to a chapter meeting will help you
- figure out how to wear your baby or toddler using your own carrier safely and correctly
- introduce you to the many different types of carriers available
- meet other moms
- see the benefits of baby wearing in action (hands free, comfortable mom, happy child)
- library loan of one type of carrier per month with membership, this give you a chance to really get a good idea if a carrier is a good fit for you before you invest
- figure out how to wear your baby or toddler using your own carrier safely and correctly
- introduce you to the many different types of carriers available
- meet other moms
- see the benefits of baby wearing in action (hands free, comfortable mom, happy child)
- library loan of one type of carrier per month with membership, this give you a chance to really get a good idea if a carrier is a good fit for you before you invest